"The Condor" - Jared Hart

Release Date: January 04, 2025 Record Label: Mt. Crushmore Records Release Type: EPBandcamp Link: Listen on Bandcamp

Surprise! Just in time for his annual New Jersey barn-burner with Ben Nichols, Jared Hart has released a brand-new EP. The longtime Mercy Union and Scandals frontman put this one out under his own name because it’s a very personal sort of release. Entitled The Condor, the four-song EP is inspired by the release of one of those one-of-a-kind friends who come into your life, change it for the better, and leave way too soon.

In addition to the title track, the EP also includes another song inspired by his departed friend: a cover of Mac Miller’s “Come Back To Earth.” Just prior to the last time they saw each other, Hart’s friend left him a copy of Miller’s GO:OD AM.

Hart and frequent collaborator Matt Olsson recorded the EP in Jersey late last year, and it’s available now on vinyl and all digital platforms via Hart’s own Mt. Crushmore Records. Check it below (and maybe pick one up if you’re at the show tonight)!