From First To Last go on Hiatus, frontman Matt Good joins Craig Owens’ band

From First To Last go on Hiatus, frontman Matt Good joins Craig Owens’ band

Last night, it was reported that From First To Last were going on hiatus but then in an unexpected twist, Craig Owens let the cat out of the bag and revealed that FFTL frontman Matt Good was joining his band. Although there’s no word from Good on why he joined Craig Owens, he tells fans about the decision for FFTL to go on Hiatus. He writes,

“Hey guys, just wanted to take a minute to update you all with the current status of FFTL. As of now right now we are basically going on hiatus. Now before everyone starts jumping to conclusions I just want to make sure everyone knows me and the other members of the band are all still very, very close. We have been best friends for years and will continue to be for as long as I can possibly forsee, so I don’t want anyone to think this is a result of animosity between them and I. There is nothing but love between us. This is mostly a decisions based off a changing of times and the desire to start pursuing new things in our lives. This band has been the center of our lives for our entire adulthood to date. Four full length albums and almost 8 years of solid touring later, the urge to see what else we are capable of achieving is almost overwhelming and I feel like there is no better time than now to go ahead and take a leap of faith and see what happens. Just know From First To Last is responsible for everything I have in my life, good and bad, and as far as I’m concerned it will probably continue to exist until I am too old to do it anymore or dead. We love every single person that has ever helped make our dream of being musicians and traveling the world come true. I know without the people who supported us, we would be nothing and I am eternally grateful for everything. Just know we aren’t going to let you guys down and we still plan on making music at some point in the future when it makes sense for all of us. For now just keep a lookout for new projects and future endeavors from all of us. Thanks for an incredible 8 years!”

From First To Last’s newest album Throne To The Wolves was released March 16th on Rise Records.

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