Front Porch Step may be kicked off Warped Tour 2015 due to allegations of sexual harassment of minors

Front Porch Step may be kicked off Warped Tour 2015 due to allegations of sexual harassment of minors

Well, its been swirling all over the internet lately but in case you’re still not aware allegations of sexual harassment of minors (some as young as 13 and 14 years old) have been brought against Front Porch Step solo artist, Jake Mcelfresh. As a result a petition has been made on to remove him from playing Warped Tour 2015 and its gained over 10,000 supporters since its creation on December 29th.  The petition itself reads:

There have been multiple cases of Jake Mcelfresh talking to underage girls and sending them vulgar photos. He has been asked to stop by these girls every time and continues with the sexual statements and harassment. Being in his 20’s it is frankly disgusting that Jake is sending nudes and sexual statements to girls that are 13/14. There are screenshots of texts sent by him to one of these girls attached to this petition. We believe that Front Porch Step should not be allowed to play Vans Warped Tour and be given a national venue where he has access to the young girls who attend Warped Tour. We are asking Kevin Lyman and Vans Warped Tour to take Front Porch Step off the tour before something more than sending texts happens. Do not put your fans at risk, Kevin. Thank you all for signing.

Kevin Lyman and Front Porch Step’s label Pure Noise Records have stated that they will looking into the allegations but not much more than that.  You can read their latest tweets on the matter below.

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