During Danzig‘s show at The Cuban Club in Ybor City, Florida last Wednesday, frontman Glenn Danzig did something unsurprisingly douchey… Upon noticing a gentleman in the audience was filming the band during their song “Blood and Tears” on his cell phone, Glenn ordered the crowd to “punch that fuckin’ asshole right there.”
Some are saying there were signs posted around the venue prohibiting cell phone use during the show, which is why Glenn got pissed when he saw the guy recording; others, like Alyssa Michelle are saying otherwise:
“There were MANY fans there taking photos or recording videos at this show, including myself, and Danzig did not order the crowd to punch any of us in the face. Just saying, the guy who was singled out was not the only one doing this throughout the night (OF COURSE people, its 2013. everybody is going to want to capture a moment or two of an amazing concert on their smart phone) and I did not see any signs that said no recording.”
Check out the video that started all of this nonsense and came to an end with the camera man allegedly being rushed by a security guard (and getting kicked out of the show) below.
Update: apparently the dude who was recording this video’s name is Dave Mancini and he didn’t get kicked out of the show but people did try to punch him and his cell phone was destroyed.