Austin, TX street punks Krum Bums are gearing up to release their newest album, “Cut The Noose”, in three weeks from today on People Like You Records, the first since they recently signed. Dying Scene sent out a couple of questions to the band about who they are, where they come from, and where they’re going. Vocalist Dave Tejas also gives some insight as to why Canada has a…special…place in his heart.
Read the entire interview here.
Krum Bums have a HUGE tour coming up to promote their new work, so be sure to head to their Dying Scene Shows for a complete listing of dates and locations.
For fans that are just getting to know you, please tell us a little about yourselves and how you formed Krum Bums.
Um…I’m a cancer. I don’t really enjoy long walks on the beach. I find them irritating. The sand really gets on my nerves…And swimming in areas that I don’t really know what’s underneath me. It truly does scare me. But…I do like watching the Food Network and Travel Channel. That shit makes me want food and want to travel. The Krum Bums started in 2000. I was newly home from an eight month stint in Baltimore. It was just enough to let me know that I needed to get home…and quick. With nowhere to live at the time, I stayed on Trae (our guitar player’s) couch. While taking an introspective trip on “the weed”, watching the Simpsons, something incredible happened. During this episode, Principal Skinner called the bad kids “you crumb bums”. In an unenthusiastic, yet very enthusiastic way, I said to Trae, “that should be the name of our band…Krum Bums”.
In the past, Justin has stated that the name “Krum Bums” originates from the days of the Great Depression and the scroungers that would pick up the scraps of bread on the ground. Do you see yourselves as representatives of this class of “little shitheads”?
If being a “shithead” means “trying to survive”…then yeah, we’re real fucking shitheads.
You formed in Austin, TX – how is the punk scene in Austin. Who are some of your biggest musical influences from this region, as well as beyond?
We’re a very proud band from Austin, who take pride in being from Texas. We’ve come from an area that has struggled to make punk a threat…and that, we have done. Look at our scene throughout the years: the Big Boys, the Dicks, Butthole Surfers and Verbal Abuse. All bands that we grew up to…And today, bands like World Burns to Death, Lower Class Brats, Flash Boys and Nick Curran and the Lowlifes still give us a reason to take pride in our scene.
Krum Bums have gone through a couple different lineup changes – how did you settle on the current one?
Krum Bums are a family. There is not one person that has ever been in this band that we don’t care deeply about and in return doesn’t care about the Krum Bums.
Are there any instruments or guest musicians that you would like to bring on for future albums?
If there was any way we could reanimate Cliff Burton, he would be on the top of our list. Sorry, Ry…
When did Nick Kasten replace Tommy Gonzalez on drums, and how did that decision come about?
We were looking for a drummer with the same caliber as Tommy, and Nick was the perfect match.
Dave stated, “The core of the Krum Bums sound has always stayed the same, but each new face has brought a new energy to the band.” What is the classic Krum Bums sound, and what message, if any, are you trying to convey to fans?
The classic Krum Bums’ sound is never ending. We don’t look to re-create or regurgitate anything. We play what we want and what we feel and that is it. If anyone has a problem with that, they can go fuck themselves.
You have a brand new album, “Cut The Noose”, coming out on August 22/23. How do you feel about this new work? What can fans expect?
As with each new album, we are very proud of what we have done. We took our time and did what we felt was right. This is not an album of regret or revenge, but an album of coming to terms. You should expect to get what you deserve…and I think you’ll enjoy it.
How would you say you have evolved (if at all) since your last release, “Same Old Story” in 2009?
We’ve begun to use fire and the wheel. I feel as though that’s a start. I also, no longer, have Velcro shoes.
This will be your first release on your new label, People Like You Records. Why did you decide to leave TKO, and how has your time at People Like You been so far?
Our time at T.K.O. was unbelievable. We were part of a label that helped shape punk and rock and roll…and we will always be part of T.K.O. But Mark Rainey (owner) is spending time focusing on the TKO retail store and putting out a lot of classic punk re-issues. So it was a natural progression to move on to People Like You. We’ve had nothing but a positive relationship, thus far. We are completely amazed at the way that they have taken us under their wing, which only makes us want to work harder.
Motivations behind choosing Jason Buntz as producer.
Jason Buntz has been a long-time friend and has also produced our previous album, As The Tide Turns. He’s not only familiar with our sound but knows how far he can push us without compromising our style. It’s as though he becomes another member of our band in the studio.
Trae mentioned, “at the time we wrote it [Cut The Noose], it seemed as though there were so many obstacles in our path, yet there was nothing that was going to stop us.” Do you care to expand on this statement?
There’s not much more to say, yet that we will never stop fighting for what we want.
Explain to us a little bit about how the songwriting process goes down.
It is a complete group effort. There isn’t really a set way that we write songs…and I would be completely bored if there was. We get ideas and the expand on them.
You’re throwing a party/concert on a boat. This has got to be one of the coolest/most innovative ideas for a show. How did that come about? Why did you choose Lake Travis? Who’s boat are you using?
Well, first of all, it’s over 100 degrees every day in Austin. So, to throw a party on the water makes perfect sense. The reason we chose Lake Travis is because it’s the only lake to take a boat on. Who’s boat is it? I don’t fucking know.
You guys are scheduled for a huge US tour with Toxic Holocaust to promote “Cut The Noose”, is there any place you are especially looking forward to?
Everywhere. We always look forward to being on tour and meeting up with our friends in every city.
Any place that got left out that you really wanted to play?
Yeah… Canada. We were told that Krum Bums will only see Canada in movies. I think they’re afraid of Texans.
Any place in the world that you want to play that you haven’t?
Do you have a favorite song to perform live?
At this point, songs off the new album.
You recently played Punk Rock Bowling in Las Vegas. How did that go? How does PRB compare to other festivals you have played?
I’d like to give you an honest answer, but what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Geez. I will say that it’s one of the best festivals in the world. Any friend we want to see will be there…and if not, they missed out.
Do you have a crazy tour memory that sticks out above any other?
Fuck yeah, I got a bunch…but here’s one I don’t remember…On my birthday, Pat Smear got me so drunk that I passed out in the middle of the street without his knowledge. As he came out of the club, he freaked out, thinking I was going to get run over, so he dragged me to his tour bus all by himself. Yeah…I think that’s pretty cool.
Dave – Have you ever sustained any injuries from going wild during your live set?
Yeah, I got the shit beat out of me by some dumbasses in Canada. Then, my tooth knocked through my lip the next day, in Michigan. I looked like fuckin’ Rocky Dennis from “Mask”. Fuck you, Canada…except my friends.
You’ve recently released a music video for your song “Same Old Story”; do you have any plans for new music videos (perhaps from the new album) in the near future?
We actually just filmed our video for “Gasoline”. It was directed by our friend John Hale (who also did our video for “Same Old Story”). It’s badass.
Anything else I’ve left out that you’d like to add?
To everyone, this summer… Get ready for a deadly, fucking tour. Toxic Holocaust, Holy Grail and the Krum Bums.!!