Makers of upcoming Descendents / All documentary “Filmage” give update, post new trailer

Makers of upcoming Descendents / All documentary “Filmage” give update, post new trailer

“Filmage” is an upcoming documentary about punk legends Descendents / All directed by Deedle LaCour & Matt Riggle.

You can check out a new update / teaser trailer here.

Keep checking Dying Scene for more updates.

O worshipers of the mighty ALL…

Nearly two years ago we rolled tape on the first of more than 40 interviews in an attempt to tell the story of not only our favorite band but some of the most over-achieving and under-documented people in music history. So it is with great pride that we present this preview of our upcoming feature-length documentary, FILMAGE: The Story of DESCENDENTS/ALL.

Now, to address the question that has (lovingly) plagued us from the get-go: WHEN CAN WE SEE THE MOVIE ALREADY, YOU JERKS!?… As you well know, the story of this band’s 33-year career is vast. And our objective has been to touch on all aspects, diving deeply as often as we could. So when you put that up against the backdrop of four dudes working out of their own pocket during the hours after their “real” jobs have ceased, you can maybe see why this movie wasn’t finished in the blink of an eye.

That being said, a commercial release date remains undetermined at this time. We will spend the upcoming months touring the festival circuit and figuring out the best means of distribution. However, until that is decided, we are excited to announce plans to hold public screenings of the movie in select cities across the country later this year, beginning with a premiere in the band’s hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado. Dates and theatres are still being nailed down, so please watch this space for details. And if you have the means to help produce a screening in your town, please contact us. We want nothing more than for everyone to have a chance to see the film that we have dedicated the last two years of our lives to.

Speaking of sharing, please share this video with anyone you know who may be a fan, or anyone who might be interested in discovering one of the most important foundations of punk rock. Shares equal “likes.” And “likes” equal interest from studios. And interest from studios equals THIS MOVIE COMING SOON!”

– Stay with us. Only 98 more cups to go! Cheers, Matt Riggle and Deedle LaCour – FILMAGE Directors

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