If you’re looking for some unique punk rock to check out, it doesn’t get much more unique than Oslo, Norway’s Fights. I stumbled upon this Norwegian “boogiecore” (that’s the term they’ve coined to describe their fusing of hardcore and boogie rock) band and their new single “Serenity Now”, and I was instantly hooked. I went back and listened to the long line of singles they’ve released over the last few years, and they’re all fucking awesome. Their singer’s got a cool scratchy, screaming vocal delivery, the drums are driving and give the songs a real adrenalized feel, and there’s a bunch of fuzz on the guitars and bass. Most of the songs have bad ass guitar solos and other experimental shit going on, too. Overall it really sounds like these guys have their shit figured out and know exactly what kinda sound they’re going for. Check out a few tracks below and find more on Spotify. I think they may have an album in the works, too, so be on the lookout for that.

DS Band Spotlight: Norwegian punk band Fights fuses hardcore and boogie rock
Screeching Bottlerocket
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