Suppose you haven’t heard of flinch. before, you’ve seriously missed out. flinch. is an all-female badass Scottish alternative band. And we are lucky to premiere their newest video, “Escape From Rapture Farm”
“We made this video ’cause our beloved van – that Lorn and I both have tattooed on our legs! – died, and we wanted to honour it with the funeral it deserved. So, of course, we smashed it up! The song is “Escape from Rupture Farms.”, the first flinch. single that I recorded and released during lockdown. Long before flinch. was the full band we are now. Now that we’re getting ready to record the second album, which will be bigger, better, and louder than the first, this video feels a bit like a funeral to the old songs too.” Beth shared with us about the new single.