DS Exclusive: Caitlin Edwards debuts “Unlucky Charm” video from upcoming solo album, “Pluto Party”

Caitlin Edwards is not only the singer/guitarist of Chicago ska-punks Bumsy and the Moochers and co-founder of the Punk In The Burbs festival…she’s also got a super fun solo project. And thankfully, Dying Scene get to debut her new video. It’s for the track “Unlucky Charm” and it’s from her upcoming solo album Pluto Party, and it’s super fun. Check it out, and stay tuned for more Pluto Party release information!

Oh, and if you’re in Chicago in a couple weeks, head to Cobra Lounge for the Pluto Party record release throwdown! It takes place February 25th and features Hi Ho and Superkick and Lever. Deets here!

  1. Hey! Is that my guitar cord? I betcha that’s mine,. Awesome stuff Caitlin, don’t ever stop! All the Best, Love your father. P. S. Are those my guitar picks? You little brat!

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  1. Hey! Is that my guitar cord? I betcha that’s mine,. Awesome stuff Caitlin, don’t ever stop! All the Best, Love your father. P. S. Are those my guitar picks? You little brat!

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