NEW MUSIC: Ways Away drop video for new track, “I Should Have Brought A Gun”

One of yours truly’s favorite bands to have materialized over the last few years is the California-based supergroup Ways Away, and yes I know the term “supergroup” gets thrown around liberally at times but seriously, it’s Jesse Barnett from Stick To Your Guns and Sergie Loobkoff from Samiam and Knapsack and Jared Shavelson from Paint It Black and BoySetsFire and Joyce Manor (and Seal) and Chad Darby from Samiam and The Ship Thieves, so what the heck else are we supposed to call it?!

ANYWAY, the band dropped a video for a brand new track, “I Should Have Brought A Gun.” As of now, it’s a stand-alone track, but word on the street is there’s more new music coming down the ‘pike, so stay tuned. Check the video out below, and if it’s your first time checking out Ways Away, familiarize yourself with their back catalog here. It’s great.

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